Thursday, January 22, 2009

That’s my King! (S M Lockridge)

I wanted to share a video that has inspired me and I hope will inspire you also.

Monday, January 19, 2009


It seems that the last several months have been about reconnecting.   Through social networking sites, we've been able to reconnect with friends from childhood, college, and those we've lost touch with more recently.  It's been great to catch up and see how we've all changed.

All of this reconnecting has reminded me of the need to stay connected to Father God.  Some need to reconnect at the point of reading the bible for insight, encouragement, and strength.  Others may need to reconnect through scripture memory.  When we stay connected, the chaos of our world doesn't necessarily change, but our perspective to it does.  

Just some thoughts.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inaugural Blog

Blogging has always been a mystery to me. I've never fully understood the fascination with living your life online for all to see. Yet somehow, I'm curious enough to take part in the very thing that I don't fully comprehend. I'm also somewhat annoyed at most people’s first blog because it's mostly about how they've never done it before and yet their willing to give it a try. Well... yes... you guessed it! Here I am doing the very thing that annoys me.

Go figure!